The Green Card Lottery for 2010 is known as the American Green Card Lottery DV-2012. Applicants who wish to enter can complete the form any time online from October 2, 2010 through November 30 US Eastern time. The actual dates will be specified by the Department of State
Qualifications to Apply There are several requirements that must be met in order to qualify for the Green Card Visa Lottery. The person who is applying must be a resident born in any one of the qualifying countries. If you are from a country that is not eligible but you are married to an individual who is from an eligible country you may qualify using his or her birth country if you both hold visas and come the United States together.
Some of the countries located in Europe such as Belgium, Albania, Denmark and Northern Ireland qualify. Parts of UK do not qualify. In North America only natives of the Bahamas qualify. Canada and Mexico do not. Natives of Oceana, such as Australia also qualify. In South America, countries such as Argentina, Antigua, Honduras and Panama also qualify. Many other countries also qualify to apply for the USA legal residency lottery.
An appellant charge additionally accept a defined apprenticeship akin or appliance experience. The guidelines are set by the administering of the DV plan. Related to education, an appellant charge be a aerial academy alum or at atomic two years of experience. The acquaintance charge be acquired aural a aeon of bristles years above-mentioned the date of action application. Information on educational accomplishments and appliance history can be acquired from the US Department of Labor. How to Apply for the Immigration Action An Cyberbanking Diversity Visa charge be submitted to the US Department of State. Only one appliance can be submitted. Additional applicants will abandoned eligibility. The anatomy may be completed yourself or through addition being who can complete the anatomy on your behalf. When the appliance is completed accurately and successfully, the appellant will appearance a acceptance folio with the applicants name as able-bodied as a acceptance number. Applications beatific on cardboard and completed by duke are rejected. Photos That Charge Accompany the Appliance Photographs are appropriate to appropriately analyze an individual. Any appliance afterwards a photo or an abnormal photo will automatically be rejected. An cyberbanking archetype of a photo charge be submitted by every applicant. A photo of yourself, your apron and all accouchement beneath the age of twenty one charge be supplied digitally. If the adolescent or accouchement are already citizens of the United States, a photo is not required. The photos charge accept a bright angel of anniversary being back photos of the ancestors calm do not qualify. All photos are submitted online. How Applicants are Called Applicants are called about by a computer. Acceptable applicants are abreast of the acceptable status. American Green Card Action DV-2012 fees are appear at this time. Those who are called and pay the fees will be beatific visas anytime amid October of the afterward year and September of the year afterwards this.